
5 Summer Tips for a Healthy Smile

Jun 13, 2024 | General Dentistry

Summer can be a relaxing, fun-filled time that takes you and your family out of your normal day-to-day routine — but it can also be just as busy, too, between extracurricular activities, camps, vacations, and more.

Just make sure your healthy dental habits don’t go on vacation during these warm, carefree months!

Check out this list of five ways to keep your smile as radiant as the sunny days. Happy summer!

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1. Don’t Change Your Routine

Just because it is summer doesn’t mean that plaque has gone on vacation, too! Regular brushing and flossing are both instrumental in the battle against plaque, so make sure to keep up this healthy oral care routine at least twice daily — even if you’re on a different schedule or traveling.

2. Stay Hydrated

During the warmer summer months, it’s extra-important to keep your body hydrated. But chugging the H20 can serve your smile well, too. Drinking water can help fight cavities by washing away food debris, acids, and more — not to mention it can get rid of coffee residue that can stain your teeth.

Also, replacing sugary or carbonated beverages with water helps prevent that carbonation from breaking down your tooth enamel. If you do like to have a soda every now and again, drink it with a straw to minimize the contact with your teeth — and then chase it down with some water!

3. Invest in a Mouth Guard

Summer often signals the return of certain high-contact sports or team activities that could carry a risk for dental injuries. A custom mouth guard is the best way you can protect your family’s teeth from potential negative impact, because it’s designed to comfortably and uniquely fit each individual smile.

4. Grab Some Healthy Snacks

From pool days to lakeside weekends, road trips, and more, summer is made for snacking. It’s also peak time for seasonal fruits — like berries, watermelon, and more. So, do your smile a favor by stocking up on healthy snacks like fresh fruit instead of processed sugary treats and sticky candy. Grab some fresh veggies, hummus, and cheese for more teeth-friendly options.

5. Don’t Miss Your Dentist Appointment

If your six-month dental cleaning and exam falls within the summer months, don’t put it off until the fall. Maintaining that bi-annual schedule is the most basic yet preventive — and vital — treatment you can do for your oral health. Not only will this general dentistry appointment clean built-up plaque and tartar, it can identify and treat any potential tooth decay, gum disease, and more.


At SMILE! Advanced Dental Center in Summerville, SC, we’re here for you during every season to ensure your smile is as bright and healthy as possible. Need to schedule a dental cleaning or consultation? Contact us here today.