
Trick or Treat! Six Halloween Tricks to Treat Teeth Well for a Healthy Smile

Oct 24, 2024 | General Dentistry

Trick or Treat! Six Halloween Tricks to Treat Teeth Well for a Healthy Smile

Spooky season is in session — and all the scary-good sweets are showing up for the party. Whether you and your family are headed to Halloween-themed community events, fall festivals at school, or a night of door-to-door trick-or-treating, chances are that a frightening amount of sugar in all its forms will be there for the taking — and eating!

So how do you manage the candy crush to keep the holiday sweet while also keeping your child’s little fangs as healthy as possible?

Follow these six tricks to treat those teeth well this Halloween — and scare those cavities away.

Trick or Treat! Six Halloween Tricks to Treat Teeth Well for a Healthy Smile

1. Know the Most Menacing Sugar Gremlins for Teeth

You may have heard that sticky candies — like gummy bears, caramels, taffy, jellybeans, tootsie rolls, and more — are particularly terrifying for teeth. And it’s true. These products get stuck in the crevices of teeth and can be tough to remove — even with a good brush and floss. They’re especially treacherous for those with braces or other orthodontics.

But there are also lesser-obvious sugar gremlins, too. Sour candies may not be top of mind, but the acid in these candies (ahem, Sour Patch Kids) can be harmful to tooth enamel. Other hard candies, like lollipops and everyone’s beloved Tootsie Pops, can also be more problematic because they take some time to dissolve and that sugar coats teeth for a longer period of time as a result.

The candy that’s less ghoulish in nature is actually anything that’s chocolate-based, because it doesn’t stick to the teeth in the same way, and it doesn’t have the acid of sour sweets.

2. Beware the Lack of Brushing

With all the Halloween fun, it can be easy for your child to overlook and skip out on brushing their teeth. While it’s best to also brush immediately after candy consumption, this isn’t always possible for kids.

So, encouraging a quick rinse of the mouth with water — or simply having them drink some water — can help minimize the impact of sugar and acids on the teeth before they brush later. Make sure they maintain a consistent twice-daily brush in the morning and evening.

3. Don’t Be Frightened of Flossing

Flossing might not be the most thrilling part of the day for your child, but it’s an important one — particularly during Halloween. Encouraging kids to floss will help remove trapped candy bits from between their teeth. There are more kid-friendly floss options, too, with flavored flosses and floss picks for quick cleanup on the go, ensuring their teeth stay ghostly clean.

4. Know that Gum is a Good Goblin

Allowing kids to chew sugar-free gum is a good habit for oral health during Halloween because it boosts saliva production. This extra saliva helps clear away leftover sugar and neutralize acids on the teeth from the candy — especially when brushing isn’t an option.  Look for gum containing xylitol, which can also be helpful in blocking decay-causing acid.

5. Stash Away Extra Candy

Rather than leave out all the extra candy amassed during the Halloween season, where it’s begging to be eaten at every side glance, stash it away — or donate it. There are many Halloween candy buyback programs and other nonprofit organizations that will gladly take it off your hands, so it’s out of sight, out of mind for your child.

6. Don’t Skip Teeth Cleanings & Exams

 Just as much for kids as for adults, biannual professional teeth cleanings and exams every six months are important preventive treatments to prioritize on the calendar. Not only does these appointments help maintain good oral health and prevent cavities, they also can identify potential problems before they become too serious.

With these tips, you can smile big this trick-or-treat season — and keep all those fangs in fiercely good shape. Have a safe and healthy Halloween!

If you’re looking for a family dentist in Summerville, SC, to scare cavities away, call SMILE! Advanced Dental Center at 843-873-1261 or contact us here.